About Us
Marciniuk & Partners Sp. z o.o. Audit Company was set up in 1997 and is an independent entity, authorized to provide professional auditing services to business entities active in Poland. In accordance with the provisions of Polish law, the company is entered into the register of entities maintained by the National Chamber of Certified Auditors, under number 1673, and is authorized to examine financial statements.
The Management Board of Marciniuk & Partners Sp. z o.o. Audit Company is composed of: Katarzyna Osińska – Certified Auditor and Dr. Janusz Marciniuk – Tax Advisor.
The examination of financial statements is conducted according to national and international auditing standards, in consideration of any and all requirements resulting from the provisions of law and professional norms, in particular the rules of professionalism, reliability and ethics.
We provide our services to not only local business entities, but most of all to entities acting in Poland which are part of a broad range of international corporations.
We employ highly qualified certified auditors. When examining the unit and consolidated financial statements and providing other assurance, accounting or consulting services we employ their rich professional experience and standards gained out throughout many years of our practice.