Other Personal Income Tax Rates
Rate |
Description |
0.035% |
Income tax on revenues from ownership or co-ownership of a building or buildings located on the territory of Poland, constituting assets related to business activity and used based on the lease or rent contract or other contract, whose initial value exceeds the amount of PLN 10,000,000 |
3% |
Tax on income from unrealized profits of natural persons (exit tax), if the tax value of an asset is not determined |
4% |
The rate of solidarity payment (on the income of a natural person exceeding the amount of PLN 1,000,000 annually) |
5% |
Tax on the qualified income of qualified intellectual property rights obtained by the taxpayer within the non-agricultural business activity |
10% |
Flat rate tax on revenues from winnings in competitions, games and bets or bonus sales obtained in an European Union Member State or in another European Economic Area State |
10% |
Flat rate tax from benefits received by old-age or disability pensioners or persons receiving teacher compensation benefits from former workplaces or trade unions |
10% |
Flat rate tax from revenues received by entities with a limited tax liability in Poland:
10% |
Flat rate tax on the amounts of withdrawals from an individual pension security account (IKZE) and the amounts of benefits from the accumulation of savings on the PEPP subaccount kept in accordance with the regulations being in force on the territory of an EU member state other than Poland |
10% | Falt rate tax on income from receiving or making available the benefit referred to in Art. 2 item 2 of the Law on Family Foundations, and property in connection with the dissolution of a family foundation, if the person receiving the benefit / property is, in relation to the founder, a person classified in tax group I. or II. within the meaning of the Law on Inheritance and Gift Tax |
12% |
Flat rate tax from the revenues from, inter alia, mandate agreement and specific task agreement, if the due amount stipulated in the agreement concluded with a person who is not an employee of the tax payer does not exceed the amount of PLN 200 |
15% | Falt rate tax on income from receiving or making available the benefit referred to in Art. 2 item 2 of the Law on Family Foundations, and property in connection with the dissolution of a family foundation, if such income is not subject to tax calculated at a rate of 10% |
19% |
Flat rate tax on revenues from business activity other than agricultural |
19% |
Flat rate tax on income from, inter alia, disposal against payment of securities or derivatives, the exercising of rights attached thereto, disposal of shares and shares in a cooperative against payment and from taking up shares or contributions in a cooperative in exchange for a contribution in kind, and from the redemption, repurchase, deletion or other annihilation of participation titles in equity funds |
19% |
Flat rate tax on income from disposal of virtual currencies against payment |
19% |
Flat rate tax on income from the disposal against payment of immovable property |
19% | Flat rate tax on income (revenues) from, inter alia, interest on loans, dividends and other income from participation in the profits of legal entities, interest and discount on securities, income from the redemption by the issuer of bonds on which periodic benefits are due, interest on cash deposited in the taxpayer's account, benefits received from the income of an equity fund (received from other titles than the redemption, repurchase, deletion or other annihilation of the participation titles in the fund), certain distributions from an employee equity plan, OFE, IKE and PEPP |
19% | Flat-rate tax on income from receipt of assets in connection with the liquidation of a company that is not a legal person, withdrawal of a partner from such a company or a reduction of the share in the capital of such a company, as a result of which Poland loses the right to tax income from the sale of these assets |
19% |
Income tax from income of a controlled foreign corporation (CFC) |
19% |
Tax on income from unrealized profits of natural persons (exit tax), if the tax value of an asset is determined |
19% |
Flat-rate tax on benefits received from banks and other financial institutions in connection with promotions offered by these entities |
20% |
Flat rate tax on certain incomes of uniformed service officers and soldiers |
20% |
Flat rate tax on revenues gained by persons with limited tax liability in Poland from the following:
70% |
Sanction tax rate from some severance indemnities and compensations based on agreements regarding management, if an entity obliged to pay them is a company, in which the State Treasury, a territorial self-government unit, association of the territorial self-government units, a state legal person or a municipal legal person holds directly or indirectly majority of votes at the shareholders‘ meeting or at the general assembly |
75% |
Sanction tax rate on:
PLN 200,000 PLN 100,000 |
Flat-rate tax on foreign revenues, regardless of their amount, for people who have transferred their tax residence to the territory of Poland |
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