Real Property Tax
The chart below presents the maximum real property tax rates; however, they can be determined at a lower level in some municipalities
No. |
Type of real property |
Tax rate in 2025
1. |
Relating to land |
1.38 |
6.84 |
0.73 |
4.51 | |
2. |
Relating to buildings or their parts: |
1.19 |
34.00 |
15.92 |
6.95 |
11.48 |
3. |
Relating to non-building structures (budowla) |
2% of value |
The information provided at www.marciniuk.com and at the sub-websites constitutes neither a tax nor a legal opinion. It is of general character only and should not be viewed as related to any particular state of facts. Prior to undertaking any and all activities or omissions based on information included within the above websites, please contact our advisors.
Marciniuk & Partners as well as members of its Management Board, its employees and coworkers are not liable for any effects resulting from decisions made based on information presented within the above websites.