Real Property Tax

The chart below presents the maximum real property tax rates; however, they can be determined at a lower level in some municipalities


Type of real property

Tax rate in 2025
in PLN


Relating to land



  • connected with conducting the business activity, irrespective of the classification within the Land and Property register, for one square meter of surface



  • under standing surface waters or flowing surface waters of lakes and artificial reservoirs for one hectare of surface 



  • other, including those used for conducting statutory public interest related activity, against payment, run by public interest organizations, for one square meter of surface


  • undeveloped, covered by revitalization area and located on areas, for which the local area development plan provides to be used for housing or service-related development or mixed development with respect to the above development types, if since the date entering into force of the plan relating to those areas the period of 4 years has lapsed, and within this period the construction in accordance with the construction law has not been completed, for one square of surface


Relating to buildings or their parts:



  • residential buildings, for one square meter of the usable area



  • connected with conducting business activity and residential buildings or their parts used for conducting the business activity, for one square meter of usable area



  • used for conducting the business activity within the scope of trade in qualified seeds, for one square meter of usable area



  • connected with providing health services within the meaning of the law provisions on medical activity, which are used by entities rendering such services, for one square meter of usable area



  • other buildings, including those used for conducting statutory public interest related activity, against payment, performed by public interest organizations, for one square meter of surface



Relating to non-building structures (budowla)

2% of value


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