Kaja Zaremba-Jesiotr
Tax Advisor
Advisory services within the scope of personal income tax with consideration of the international principles regarding taxation and obligatory social security burdens. Issues regarding taxation of personal income, including income from work rendered in Poland and abroad, from funds and real property. Taxation of income gained by way of inheritance or gift.
Foreign Languages
German, English
Warsaw School of Economics (Foreign Trade Faculty) graduate. Author of publications on tax law in Polish and foreign professional press. Co-author of the commentaries to the Corporate and Personal Income Acts, edited by Dr. Janusz Marciniuk, published by C.H. Beck.Experience in advising Polish and foreign tax residents, in particular regarding optimization of employment and remuneration of executives, posted employees, tax consequences of employee benefits, investments of natural persons in funds, and settlement of personal income in Poland.
She has worked at Marciniuk & Partners since 1997.